= THSN =
You know you love Saitou too much when... C'mon,
every fandom site needs one of these damn lists! |
It's the Tokio Home Shopping Network! Be afraid,
be very afraid. Also, bring your credit cards, and get in on the deals! |
= Mad Libs =
= Saitou Sings? =
Remember these fun things? Even if you don't,
go check it out. |
Hey, bet you didn't know he had his own CD, did
you? |
= Parodies =
= Saitou & Wolverine?
Scenes from the manga, only twisted! Come in and
read what sick minds have thought up, and submit something sick yourself. |
Wolverine and Saitou were destined
to become best friends... At least in my mind they were. Come on in, cast
your vote and read why I feel they're soul mates. |