mibu no ookami
= THSN =
Sano is always getting picked on!
You know you love Saitou too much when... C'mon, every fandom site needs one of these damn lists! It's the Tokio Home Shopping Network! Be afraid, be very afraid. Also, bring your credit cards, and get in on the deals!
= Mad Libs =
= Saitou Sings? =
Remember these fun things? Even if you don't, go check it out. Hey, bet you didn't know he had his own CD, did you?
= Parodies =
 = Saitou & Wolverine? =
Scenes from the manga, only twisted! Come in and read what sick minds have thought up, and submit something sick yourself. Wolverine and Saitou were destined to become best friends... At least in my mind they were. Come on in, cast your vote and read why I feel they're soul mates.
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